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/ Amiga Collections: Franz PD / Franz PD Disk #318 (1994-03)(Rhein-Sieg-Soft).zip / Franz PD Disk #318 (1994-03)(Rhein-Sieg-Soft).adf / fonts / teletext / 9 / teletext-9.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1994-01-16  |  15KB
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OCR: abIcdef gh iiklmnopqrs tuuwxuz IBCDEF GHI JKLMNOPQRSTUYWXTZ 0123456789 #s - AUaUD" ::/? The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy 6op The qu i ck br OW O iumps oyer the lazy 60p The UET t he nze1 dog 36 7H the abcdef 23456789 guick umPS JiumPs fze1